Use Frozen Russian Assets to Purchase Air Defence for Ukraine

Photo by Rostislav Artov on Unsplash

Photo by Rostislav Artov on Unsplash A petition has been delivered to Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo calling on the Belgian Government to take a leading role in providing air defence systems to Ukraine. In delivering the open letter, a campaign spokesperson said, “The Russian central bank holds approximately €210 billion in assets within the European Union,…

Manchester is Sweet in More Ways than One

For a moment there, it seemed like we’d never leave winter. But finally, here we are enjoying some warmer temperatures and a newfound excitement for the months to come. The onset of Spring brings with it a positive glut of bank holidays here in Belgium. so what better excuse to consider a well deserved short…

Left Calls to Shun Radical Political Parties

Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash The leaders of the S&D Group, Renew Europe, Greens/EFA and the Left in the European Parliament have called on all democratic European parties to reject any “normalisation, cooperation or alliance with far-right and radical parties.” In their joint statement, they say they “condemn” any form of violence and reiterate…