Protecting the EP from Foreign Influence

Photo by Yellow Cactus on Unsplash

European Parliament’s special committee on foreign interference and disinformation (INGE) MEPs have voted on their position on the reforms to strengthen the integrity, transparency and accountability of the European Parliament.  The report – approved by a large majority – gives the Parliament and its members clear guidelines on transparency and on how to protect the European…

Overseas Constituencies for UK Parliament

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto on Unsplash

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto on Unsplash A campaign for overseas constituency MPs is gathering momentum with fresh backing from a group of cross-party MPs and peers. The idea is to introduce overseas constituencies for the tens of thousands of UK citizens living and working abroad. This would mean they would be represented by an MP in the UK parliament, who represents…

Ending Sexual Harassment

Photo by on Unsplash

Photo by on Unsplash Members of the European Parliament have adopted a report on combating sexual harassment in the EU. It is the 5th such report since the #MeToo movement swept through the globe. The report reiterates calls for the European Parliament to implement mandatory anti-harassment trainings for MEPs and staff, reforming the committees dealing with harassment complaints and…

Uzbekistan’s Presidential Elections

Photo by Baqbergen Atabayev on Unsplash

Photo by Baqbergen Atabayev on Unsplash Seven years ago, Uzbekistan embarked on a new stage of development. During this period, a large number of cardinal reforms have been carried out in all spheres of the socio-political and economic life of society, writes Omon Mukhamedjanov. Meanwhile, the most important areas included democratic reforms aimed at ensuring a wide range…

European Youth Event EYE 2023

Photo by Jorgen Hendriksen on Unsplash

Photo by Jorgen Hendriksen on Unsplash Around 10,000 young people from the EU and beyond will next month meet in Strasbourg and online to discuss Europe’s future, against the backdrop of the war against Ukraine and upcoming European elections. On Friday 9 June and Saturday 10 June, the European Youth Event 2023 (EYE 2023) will feature more than 300…

MEPs Vote to End Impunity of Big Business.

Photo by Shaunak De on Unsplash

Photo by Shaunak De on Unsplash Despite some lobbying efforts MEPs voted to defend the human rights of millions of workers and protect the environment.  The outcome is the result of a four year battle alongside activists and NGOs.  The adopted text includes many of the Left in the European Parliament’s  priorities to ensure the responsibility and accountability…

Greens Prepare for 2024 Parliament Elections

Photo by Ghiffari Haris on Unsplash

Photo by Ghiffari Haris on Unsplash The European Greens will vote on the adoption of the system of leading candidates (Spitzenkandidaten) for their 2024 EU election campaign. The European Greens will  this weekend vote on the adoption of the system of leading candidates (Spitzenkandidaten) for their 2024 EU election campaign. They are also expected to welcome four new…

Moldova: The New Heart of Europe

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash The Republic of Moldova is a small faraway country facing many challenges. Today it no longer faces them alone. Economically it is fragile, with its main exports being insulated wire, wheat, wine and sunflower seeds – not the most promising foundation for long-term prosperity. Climate change is also a major issue: in…

Uzbekistan in the Process of Digitalization

Digital technologies in modern society and the state play an important role in the formation of a more perfect society and the implementation of qualitative reforms in economic sectors. That is why the country’s leadership pays special attention to the development of this sector, writes Bakhtiyor Ismailov. In order to accelerate the process of digitalization…