Is Animal Welfare Still an EU Priority?

Jinen shah

Photo by Jinen Shah on Unsplash  The EU is reportedly considering dropping its plans for stricter animal welfare measures, according to Compassion in World Farming EU. The group, based in Brussels, quotes press reports which say draft laws on the issue may now be scrapped. Compassion in World Farming EU said that two years ago, the European…

Night of the Dragons

Ravit Sages

Photo by Ravi Sages on Unsplash An exciting new show is set to “breathe fire” into autumn for its Belgian audience. “Night of the Dragons” is the name of a new ‘immersive’ show created by the well-known director Luc Petit and produced by l’ASBL Avant que l’ombre. The show is multidisciplinary and brings together artists,…

Iliana Ivanova New EU Commissioner for Research


Photo by noaa on Unsplash The European Parliament has approved the appointment of Iliana Ivanova (Bulgaria) as Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth. She was voted in by 522 MEPs voting in favour with 27 against and 51 abstained. On 5 September, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee and the Culture and Education…

EU-China Relations

Ying Wu

Photo by Ying Wu on Unsplash The EU and China have both said that they wish to pursue “stable and constructive relations”. The pledge comes amidst growing tensions surrounding China’s policy towards its near neighbour, Taiwan, and other issues. European Council President Charles Michel met with China’s Prime Minister LI Qiang in the margins of…

Stopping Violence Against Women

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash The €500 million Spotlight Initiative has been an ambitious attempt by the European Commission, together with the UN, to ensure that women and girls around the world live free from violence and harmful practices.  However, according to a new report by the European Court of Auditors, this flagship EU…

Democracy Under Threat in Africa

#Random Institute,

Photo by Random Institute on Unsplash MEPs have voiced concern at the “alarming”  situation in west and central Africa for democracy. On 30 August, immediately after ballots closed in Gabon and President Ali Bongo was officially elected for a third term, a group of military officers announced his removal from office, his arrest and the…

MEPs Criticise Tunisia Decision to Block Visit

chermiti mohamed

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash MEPs have condemned Tunisia’s decision to deny entry to the official delegation of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee.   Criticism was led by by the Left Group in the European Parliament  A statement read, “In an unprecedented move since the revolution in 2011, the Tunisian authorities show no respect…

Uzbekistan Signs Agreements worth US$1.88 bn at Agri-Food Investment Forum

Ildar Garifulin

Photo by Ildar Garifulin on Unsplash A new agreement defining the main priorities of international cooperation on food security was announced during the International Conference on Food Security (Thursday 7 – Friday 8 September). The government of Uzbekistan hosted the conference, with technical assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)….

Inaction by Coffee Companies Threatens the Global Supply of Coffee

Photo by Delightin Dee on Unsplash Despite the passage of anti-deforestation laws by the EU, the clearing of forests is set to continue apace with coffee companies not prepared to comply with the regulation, reveals the 2023 Coffee Barometer, an in-depth report on the state of sustainability in the coffee sector. Roughly 130.000 hectares of…

Earthquake Disaster in Morocco: King Mohammed VI of Morocco Donates Blood


Photo by gemmmm ???? on Unsplash King Mohammed VI of Morocco went on Tuesday afternoon to the “Mohammed VI” university hospital centre in Marrakech where inquired about the health of the wounded, victims of the disastrous earthquake which occurred on Friday September 8 and which caused significant human and material losses in several regions of the kingdom of…