Hague Ruling on MH17 Disaster

Full implementation of the court decision on the MH17 case will only be possible after Ukraine’s victory over Russia Malaysian Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down on 17 July 2014. Then all 298 people on board were killed. It took 8 years for the court in The Hague to issue a…

Was Putin’s Missile Attack on Poland Deliberate?

On 13 May 2022, the Russian State Duma proposed the “denazification of Poland”. On November 15, missile strikes in Poland killed two people, and Russian propaganda began to deny that the Kremlin was involved. Putin hates Poland and considers it an illegally seceded part of the Russian Empire, which must first be punished and then…

The Risks of a Digital Euro

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) says it supports the European Central Bank (ECB) in its assessment of the risks and benefits of introducing a digital euro. The EESC believes the adoption of a digital euro will benefit everyone in the euro area by making payment transactions quicker and more efficient, but financial and…

Cyberattack Threats on EU Banks

MEPs have called for action to protect banks in Europe against possible attacks from Russia, China or Iran. Senior MEP Frances Fitzgerald said, ““We are now all more conscious than ever of the threat posed by hackers to European citizens, including from regimes such as Russia, China, or Iran.  “Recent months have highlighted the need…

Climate Finance

Left MEPs are organising an international conference on the issue of climate finance. They are pushing for the issue of loss and damage to be inserted in the Parliament’s resolution on the climate summit COP27. The 27th UN Climate Change Summit is not only about emissions, it is about hope and justice – and about…

Taiwan Injects Momentum Into the Global Transition to Net-Zero Emissions

The world has embarked on the transition to net-zero emissions. The innovative approaches to international cooperation highlighted in the Paris Agreement—which calls for wide cooperation by all countries to meet global reduction targets—are gradually taking shape. Taiwan is willing and able to cooperate with international partners to jointly achieve net-zero transition, mobilize global climate action,…

Don’t Leave Behind the Elderly

transport mobility for the elderly

Elderly people and those with a disability “must not be left behind” in Europe’s rush to digitilization, an international conference on transport mobility was told. The conference heard that new technologies such as artificial intelligence will have a crucial role to play in transforming Europe’s transport eco system. But, in any debate about the future…

Uzbekistan, a Growing and Radiant Power Between Europe and Asia

The historical interest of Central Asia lies in its location at the crossroads of East and West, nestled between empires and bordering areas of conflict and insecurity (such as Afghanistan, China’s Xinjiang province, and Iran). While the region was largely ignored throughout the Cold War, its vitality and importance were quickly rediscovered, writes Derya Soysal….

Illegal Immigration: Time to Be Braver

Illegal Immigration

It is 33 years since the Berlin Wall was torn down, in November 1989. It heralded the break-up of the old Soviet empire and a new hope for the fledgling democracies which would spring up across Central and Eastern Europe, writes Philip Bushill-Matthews.  Some walls stayed firmly fixed: the ‘Peace Walls’ in Belfast and the…