Russia Branded Terrorist State

The European Parliament has today officially declared Russia to be a “state sponsor of terrorism” and a “state which uses means of terrorism”.  This came after a parliamentary vote on a resolution in Strasbourg earlier today. The move has been widely welcomed by MEPs from across the political spectrum. “Now it’s up to the EU…

Germany to Withdraw from Energy Charter?

The German coalition government has threatened to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty and abstain in the Council vote intended to allow the European Union to adopt ECT reform outcomes at the Energy Charter Conference on 22 November. This was communicated by the leader of German Greens in parliament, Katharina Dröge via Twitter. Her deputy…


Nigeria Floods

Amidst the formal agenda on the UN climate negotiations in Egypt, hundreds of people led by seven women from the Global South made a dramatic and powerful show of force recreating flooding in order to raise awareness about the heavy climate change impacts many people are living through in low income countries on the frontlines. …

Strengthening partnership in Central Asia and prospects for cooperation with France

T~he New Uzbekistan

With the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as head of state in 2016, the internal and foreign policy of Uzbekistan has changed drastically, writes Anwar Nasirov. The leader of Uzbekistan has begun the implementation of a huge range of large-scale reforms aimed at modernizing all spheres of society and the state, which should ensure the sustainable…

Conspiracy of Silence

Brexit Disaster

Last week UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled an emergency budget to plug the £55 billion black hole in the nation’s finances. He accepted that the last seven years of growth would be erased and that the country will remain in recession for up to two years., writes Philip Bushill-Matthews . In the circumstances he had little…

New Building Wave Provokes Asbestos Crisis

Insulation and rebuilding

Millions of construction workers risk getting cancer from asbestos exposure during the EU-wide building renovation wave, it is claimed. To better protect them, organised civil society has called for stricter exposure limits than the European Commission proposes in its amended asbestos at work directive. This call was made at the European Economic and Social Committee…

ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Maputo

ACP Assembly Maputo

The 42nd Joint Parliamentary Assembly among the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and the EU (ACP-EU JPA) has come to an end in Maputo, Mozambique. The Assembly has raised animated debates and put forward possible common solutions to face global crises like climate change, pandemics, terrorism, poverty and human rights. The S&D Group’s delegation said it…

Alarm Signals from Planet Earth

Alarm Signals from Planet Earth

At the UN’s climate change summit in Egypt, MEPs have called on global leaders to recognise the alarming signals the planet is sending us and to consequently adopt concrete measures to implement the Paris Agreement.  The economic and energy crises caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should not be used as an excuse to postpone…

Did Putin Launch a Missile Attack on Poland To Pressurise the West to Negotiate?

The Russian Army is Rotting

Ukraine managed to liberate 60% of the territories captured since 24 February. The Russian army has actually been defeated. The Dnieper River as a natural barrier restrains the AFU from a counterattack, as a result of which Russian military units will be permanently defeated. In this situation, Putin has expressed his readiness to negotiate: after…