New Building Wave Provokes Asbestos Crisis

Insulation and rebuilding

Millions of construction workers risk getting cancer from asbestos exposure during the EU-wide building renovation wave, it is claimed. To better protect them, organised civil society has called for stricter exposure limits than the European Commission proposes in its amended asbestos at work directive. This call was made at the European Economic and Social Committee…

ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Maputo

ACP Assembly Maputo

The 42nd Joint Parliamentary Assembly among the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and the EU (ACP-EU JPA) has come to an end in Maputo, Mozambique. The Assembly has raised animated debates and put forward possible common solutions to face global crises like climate change, pandemics, terrorism, poverty and human rights. The S&D Group’s delegation said it…

Alarm Signals from Planet Earth

Alarm Signals from Planet Earth

At the UN’s climate change summit in Egypt, MEPs have called on global leaders to recognise the alarming signals the planet is sending us and to consequently adopt concrete measures to implement the Paris Agreement.  The economic and energy crises caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should not be used as an excuse to postpone…

Did Putin Launch a Missile Attack on Poland To Pressurise the West to Negotiate?

The Russian Army is Rotting

Ukraine managed to liberate 60% of the territories captured since 24 February. The Russian army has actually been defeated. The Dnieper River as a natural barrier restrains the AFU from a counterattack, as a result of which Russian military units will be permanently defeated. In this situation, Putin has expressed his readiness to negotiate: after…

Hague Ruling on MH17 Disaster

Full implementation of the court decision on the MH17 case will only be possible after Ukraine’s victory over Russia Malaysian Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down on 17 July 2014. Then all 298 people on board were killed. It took 8 years for the court in The Hague to issue a…