Brexit past, present and future

Brexit past present and future

Boris promised us that Brexit would mean we would have our cake and eat it.  Liz Truss, keen on growth, has pledged to increase the size of the pie. Meanwhile, thanks to both of them, the nation is now in the soup! writes Philip Bushill Matthews. It is nearly 50 years since the country had…

Russia Makes Terrorism Official State Policy

Russia is a Terrorist State

On the morning of 10 October, Russia launched a massive missile attack on multiple cities in Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv. The missiles were directed against civilian objects, including a children’s playground in the heart of Ukraine’s capital. Casualties have been reported. Russia no longer hides its terrorist nature, and it must now be officially…

Putin Starts New Phase of his War: Blitzkrieg.

Russian missile strikes on Ukraine

Putin uses terrorism as a tool of war. On 10 October, Russia launched missile strikes on dozens of Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure facilities. This blitzkrieg is a deliberate criminal act against civilians that the entire civilized world must put a stop to. On 10 October, Russia launched a massive missile attack on almost all regions of…