Much Ado About Almost Nothing


The latest talks between the EU and China have been dismissed as “Much ado about almost nothing”. German MEP  Reinhard Bütikofer, China expert of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, was commenting on the 9th High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue between the EU and the PRC. The Greens deputy said, “The EU-China Economic and Trade Dialogue can…

Emirates Empowers SMEs


SMEs say they support the development of the Construction Products Regulation as the “single piece of EU legislation” regulating construction products. Representing 99% of the sector, SMEs are said to play a pivotal role in the achievement of the goals of the twin green and digital transition in the built environment.  In response to the European…

Vulnerable Households and the Energy Crisis

Vulnerable households

Vulnerable households, already under severe cost of living pressure, have been “effectively ignored” by a commission plans for dealing with the energy crisis, says the European Left Group. It says new measures, drafted in collaboration with Europe’s major energy corporations, confirm that the EU is set to double down on its commitment to a failed…