Security of Ukraine Needed for Peaceful Skies over Europe

Peaceful skies over Europe

President Zelensky has indicated that Ukraine is ready to be neutral, but for obvious reasons it can no longer trust Russia. For this to work, Ukraine needs security guarantees from other nations to help the country in case active hostilities were to resume. During the Russian-Chechen wars, Russia was defeated at first but then came…

Russian War Against Ukraine Needs Effective Responses

Russian War Against Ukraine

Ukraine’s truly epic resistance to Russia’s unprecedented brutal aggression has entered its second month. The Russian war against Ukraine has rallied the entire Ukrainian nation. The Army is annihilating the invaders on the battlefield, the economy is working to the limit wherever the circumstances allow, volunteers have taken on many government functions that the latter…

Russia’s War Against Ukraine Will Drive the World to Starvation

Ukraine cereal crops

The aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine is driving up international food prices that will rapidly threaten the world with global famine. Ukraine is the fifth largest wheat exporter in the world, accounting for 10% of the global market. The country is one of the leading suppliers of corn with a…

Ethnic Cleansing in Ukraine: Is the Red Cross Aiding Russia’s Crimes?

Red Cross Ethic Cleansing?

The Red Cross has been accused of direct complicity in Russia’s forced deportation of Ukrainians, thereby aiding and abetting the Russian NaZi policy of ethnic cleansing of the territories it has illegally occupied. This is the only interpretation possible for the decision of the Red Cross to open a refugee assistance centre in Rostov-on-Don. A…

EESC Resolution on Ukraine

EESC Ukraine Resolution

Against the background of the European Council summit, the European Economic and Social Committee  adopted this week a resolution on the Ukraine conflict. The members expressed their solidarity with Ukraine and highlighted the role of the civil society in assisting Ukrainian people and refugees. Opening the debate, President Christa Schweng stressed: “This invasion has put our security and…

Council and Parliament Agree on Digital Markets Act

Digital Markets Act

The European Parliament and the French Council Presidency have reached an agreement on the Digital Markets Act (DMA).  “The agreement is the beginning of a new era for tech regulation worldwide. The Digital Markets Act puts an end to the ever-increasing dominance of big tech companies”, said Andreas Schwab MEP. Schwab leads the negotiation team…

Taiwan among countries showcasing travel at holiday fair

Taiwan Holiday

The Brussels Holiday Fair 2022 has opened amid fresh optimism that the battered tourism sector is now ready for a restart from the huge impact of the health pandemic. The 4 day event at Brussels Expo boasts 250 stalls representing countries around the world. It is expected to attract more than 50,000 people by the…

NextGenerationEU Programme for Portugal

The European Commission has endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Portugal’s payment request for €1.16 billion, of which €553.44 million of grants and €609 million of loans under the RRF, the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU. On 25 January, Portugal announced reforms in the areas of health, social housing, social services, investment and innovation,…

EU To Increase Food Production

Food security

The EU has been told to increase food production in order to stave off possible food shortages. “The European Commission must take a clear line to support European farmers to grow as much food as possible now”, said Herbert Dorfmann MEP, the EPP Group Spokesman in the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee. “The Russian attack on…

Pan-European Personal Pension

Mairead McGuinness

The pan-European personal pension product (“PEPP”) Regulation, adopted in 2019, starts to apply from 22 March.  This will pave the way for a new voluntary EU-wide scheme for people to save for their retirement, and a broad range of financial institutions across the EU will be able to offer it.  PEPP – a key part…