Slovenia Challenging Press Freedom?

Renew Europe says it is “very concerned” about recent political developments in Slovenia related to press freedom.  “The situation in Slovenia is becoming extremely worrying. We want the European Parliament’s plenary debate in March, on the Government’s attempt to silence free media in Poland and Hungary,  to be extended to the situation in Slovenia”, said Dacian Cioloş,…

Digitalisation: An Opportunity for Europe

A new report, Digitalisation: An opportunity for Europe, shows how increased digitalisation of Europe’s services and value chains  over the next six years could boost the European Union’s GDP per capita by 7.2% – equivalent to a €1 trillion increase in overall GDP. The report, commissioned by Vodafone and conducted by Deloitte, looks at the five…

EU Partnership with the Mediterranean Neighbourhood

Commenting on the European Commission’s recent communication on its partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood countries, the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Nasser Bourita said that he believes that the strategy lays the foundations for a new post-Covid-19 relationship between the European Union and Morocco, provided that Europeans do not take decisions affecting the southern shore of the Mediterranean without…

Romania’s justice system under further scrutiny as senior judge criticises ministerial decision to abolish department investigating judicial system crimes

In Romania, a battle is under way regarding the essential watchdog organisation that investigates crimes within the justice system. Known as the Special Section for Investigating Crimes in the Judicial System (SIJCO), the organisation is seen by many as an essential defence of the independence of the justice system during an era when Prosecutors have…

Angola’s Role in the Current Crisis in the Central African Republic

The current armed crisis in the Central African Republic is one of a very complex nature, writes Frederick Ishimwe. It is not rooted in the religious or ethnic differences as some of the commentators try to present it, as we see that several ideologically opposed groups all of a sudden joined together under the CPC…

Băneasa case judge charged with abuse of office and Wrongfully Convicting Defendant #Romania

Judge Corneliu-Bogdan Ion-Tudoran, who ruled in Romania’s high profileBăneasareal estate development case,has been charged with wrongly convicting a defendant and for abuse of office for his conduct in the case. The Băneasa development involved businessman Gabriel Popoviciu and concerned 221 hectares which was owned by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV), through…

EU-Morocco Partnership

Morocco has been recognised as having tremendous potential to help to progress the EU’s New Green Deal strategy in Africa, through the country’s experience in the development of renewable energy projects, in partnership with EU suppliers. Earlier today, in the framework of regular consultations between EU and Morocco, the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, African…

ECHR Asks Russia to Release Navalny

The Court has granted an interim measure in favour of Aleksey Navalny and has asked the Government of Russia to release him Mr Navalny’s current application before the Court was lodged on 20 January 2021 under Article 34 of the European Convention on Human Rights. On the same date the applicant made a request to…

As EU Vows to Improve Cancer Prevention, Denmark Applies New Rules to Mineral Wool

At a time when the European Union is prioritising cancer prevention, the Danish government is implementing a new decree on demolition and installation works involving materials containing synthetic mineral fibres, also known as mineral wool.  Earlier this month, the European Commission presented Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which has been long awaited as a new EU approach to…

Lukashenko Crackdown

Concern has been voiced at the latest attack on freedom of speech in Belarus. On Tuesday, the offices of human rights organizations and apartments of journalists across Belarus were raided by state security officials in what appears to be a coordinated crackdown on civil society. This situation is still developing. Raids and searches took place on…