Fighting Unfair Competition

Apple Unfair Competition Accusations

MEPs say that the antitrust case against Apple is more than just another example of unfair competition. They also say it is a reason to discuss a paradigm shift in the EU’s competition enforcement, which until now has often come too late. “It is long overdue for the Commission to take a very close look…

Calls to Improve the Fight Against Coronavirus in Latin America

Jeanine Áñez Chavez

Parliament has adopted resolutions assessing the human rights situation in Bolivia, and the COVID-19 situation in Latin America. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the Latin American continent, MEPs say, expressing their solidarity towards all victims and their families, as well all those affected by the health, economic and social crises. The…

A House of Cards?

Russian Bear and House of Cards

The Presidents of the European Council, Commission and Parliament issued this joint statement on the imposition of restrictive measures on eight EU nationals by Russia. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms today’s decision of the Russian authorities to ban eight European Union nationals from entering the Russian territory. This includes the President of the…

EU Cybersecurity Strategy


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the proposed new package of EU cybersecurity measures but points to weaknesses in addressing Europe’s huge cyber skills gap. Critical entities also need streamlining, simplification and clearer application guidelines, in the EESC’s view. Overall, the EESC hails the new EU cybersecurity strategy as a positive step towards…

Russia-EU Relations Deteriorate

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution strongly condemning Russia’s continued interference, their ever more aggressive disinformation campaigns and the gross violations of international law that threaten security and stability in Europe, particularly through their aggression and continued destabilisation of Ukraine as demonstrated by the recent military build-up.  The resolution also calls for the immediate release…

Pandemic Impact on the Self-Employed

Global pandemic impact on the economy

The SMEunited report published last week outlines the socio-economic impact of the pandemic and of the containment measures on the labour market and on households. Particular focus is put on the negative consequences faced by self-employed. They have been disproportionately impacted by the crisis. National Recovery and Resilience Plans should provide targeted measures to allow…

Pakistan Blasphemy Laws Under Fire

MEPs have adopted an urgency resolution on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan, in particular the case of Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel sentenced to death in 2014 on blasphemy charges, calling on the Pakistani authorities to immediately and unconditionally release them and to overturn their sentence. The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly…

Time for Royalty Collection to go Digital

Join us for an on-line conference at the Brussels Press Club at 1100 am on Wednesday 19th May. Reserve your place here: We shall share ideas with music industry professionals on how to transform the obsolete collective rights management system.  Our goal is to ensure that royalties from all of the different platforms are collected…

Russia’s militant policy in the post-Soviet space

Russia's Militant Policy

The dominant role of Russia in the post-Soviet space is an illusion and a delusion. Moscow is no longer seen by its neighbours as a centre of political, military and economic integration. Over the past 30 years, the Kremlin has not provided a viable ideological basis for unification. Russia considers the post-Soviet countries to be…

Conference on the Future of Europe

Future of Europe

The European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament (ECR Group) remains sceptical towards the structuring and planned course of the Conference of the Future of Europe. ECR Co-Chairmen Ryszard Legutko (Poland) and Raffaele Fitto (Italy) are unimpressed by the digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). The multilingual platform…