Tackling Global Challenges

Clean Aviation

The EPP Group says it has “fought tooth and nail” for €20 billion in public-private partnerships to tackle global challenges.  “We all know the kind of challenges that planet earth, and indeed humanity, are facing today. Innovation holds the promise to overcome them”, declared Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP, the European Parliament Rapporteur on nine…

Making Food Production in Europe Healthier

Farm to Fork Healthy Food

The Farm to Fork strategy  is possibly the last call we have to make the whole food production system in Europe healthier – with less pesticides, antibiotics, and fertilizers; more sustainable; protecting biodiversity;  more just; with decent remuneration for our farmers and decent working conditions in the food chain; and last but not least up…

Romania’s woes: Energy Prices Soar as Covid-19 Infections Rise.

Romania Covid Surge

Romania is suffering a multitude of crises as energy prices soar, Covid-19 infection rates are rising to worrying levels, a potential new prime minister is struggling to form a government and the country’s justice system has faced strong criticism in the UK’s High Court of Justice as the judge refused to allow Gabriel Popoviciu to…

Beating the Global Pandemic

von der Leyen on vaccination

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says more than 75 per cent of Europeans have received vaccinations. On Monday, she said, “We have reached an important milestone in the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to the world. The European Union has exported over 1 billion vaccine doses worldwide, over the past ten months. Vaccines produced in the…

Parliament Takes Commission to Court for Inaction on Rule of Law

Lagodinsky Rule of Law

The Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has voted for the Parliament to take the European Commission to court for inaction on the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism. Despite numerous breaches of the rule of law endangering the proper use of EU funds, the Commission has failed to activate the mechanism. MEPs, led by…

Arianespace Deploys 36 OneWeb Satellites with Successful Soyuz Flight

Soyuz Launch Vehicle

Arianespace has successfully performed Soyuz Flight ST36. This latest launch for OneWeb placed 36 more satellites into orbit. ST36 represents an important step in OneWeb and Arianespace’s partnership: the operator now has more than half, 358 satellites, of its constellation in orbit. ST36 is the 10th launch of Arianespace in 2021. Performed on Thursday, October…

Failure to Trigger Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism Criticised

Rule of Law

S&D members in the legal affairs committee in the European parliament voted in favour of legal action against the Commission for its failure to trigger the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism. In force since 1 January 2021, the mechanism makes access to EU funds conditional on respecting the rule of law and EU fundamental…

EP Calls for EU Rules Against Vexatious Legal Actions


The EU needs rules against SLAPPs (vexatious legal actions) intended to silence critical voices, according to the Parliament’s Civil Liberties and Legal Affairs committees. In a draft report endorsed on Thursday with 63 votes for, 9 against, and 10 abstentions, MEPs propose measures to counteract the threat that Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) pose…

Who Attempted to Assassinate the Prime Minister of Sudan?

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Abdullah Hamdok

In 2020 the Prime Minister of Sudan, Abdullah Hamdok, survived an assassination attempt that had targeted his convoy as he headed to work in Khartoum.  Film footage posted online showed two damaged white vehicles used by Sudan’s top officials parked on a street. Another vehicle was badly damaged in the blast of the explosion, but…

Energy Price Hike: Need to Scale Up Renewables

Bas Eickhout, tackling the energy price hike

The European Commission has unveiled its “toolbox” for EU governments to tackle the current energy price hike. The proposed toolbox will be discussed by heads of state and governments at the European Council summit on 21-22 October. The toolbox mainly includes short-term measures for member states by setting out options to target vulnerable households.  The Greens/EFA…