“Facebook Files” scandal: Senior MEPs voice concern.

Facebook Files scandal and the DSA

Christel Schaldemose (S&D rapporteur for the EU Parliament for the Digital Services Act, Denmark) and Alexandra Geese(Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur for the Digital Services Act, Germany) were commenting on the relevance of the leaks to the DSA legislative process. Since a few weeks, Facebook has faced a series of accusations about its internal workings, based on hundreds of pages…

EPPO Appeals For Additional Budget


Issues hindering the EU Prosecutor’s investigation and prosecution of cross border crimes against the EU budget were discussed with chief prosecutor Kövesi. In a debate on Friday, EU public prosecutor Laura Kövesi informed the Budgetary Control Committee that the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is in urgent need of additional human resources to be able…

Pandora Papers

Pandora Papers

Political reaction has been swift to the disturbing new Pandora Papers revelations on Monday about the rich and famous. “The Pandora Papers show once more that the fight against tax havens and letter box companies is only making limited progress”, said Markus Ferber MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on Economic Affairs. The deputy was commenting on…

Greens Shine in German Elections


In last month’s General Election, the German Greens achieved their best result in a general election so far and became a strong third with 14.8% (2017: 8.9%) of the vote and 118 MPs (2017: 67). 7 German Greens MEP Sven Giegold said, “We even came first in 16 constituencies all over Germany, which we managed…

Saakashvili Imprisoned After Return From Exile

Mikhail Saakashvili

The ECR Group says it is “deeply concerned” about the imprisonment of Mikheil Saakashvili, former pro-western President of Georgia and leader of the largest opposition party in the country, after his return from exile. Saakashvili was fully entitled to return to his homeland. Allegations against him made by the ruling party in Georgia are unfounded. The…

European Framework for Migration Management

EU Migration

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has highlighted what it says is the need for a common European framework for migration management that is effective, focusses on both external borders and legal migration pathways and is in line with EU’s values. The EESC welcomes the existing monitoring done by the Commission as this provides the…

People Power-Why We Need More Migrants

Giles Merritt

European nations may well be on the threshold of a new migrant crisis that will dwarf even that of 2015–16.  That’s one of several stark messages to emerge from an exhaustive new book on migration  – “People Power – why we need more migrants” – by the highly respected commentator on EU affairs, Giles Merritt. The…

International community warned of Taliban “danger” to security and peace

Taliban takeover

The re-emergence of the Taliban threatens the peace and security of the “whole world”, an event in Brussels was told. The stark warning came at a conference which discussed the rise of extremism in South Asia, particularly in the context of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Junaid Qureshi, the Executive Director of European Foundation for South Asian…

EUMETSAT Helps Weather Forecasts In Africa

The weather in Africa

African nations’ capacity to significantly improve weather and climate forecasting through access to data from Europe’s next-generation meteorological satellites will be the key focus of a two-week online forum this week. Covid travel restrictions have forced Europe’s meteorological satellite agency, EUMETSAT, to move its two-yearly Africa User Forum online, but also have made it possible…