New EU Delegation for UK

EU UK relations

On Tuesday, a large majority of MEPs voted in favour of setting up the European Parliament’s new standing delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Assembly. Following a proposal by the conference  of presidents (EP president and chairs of political groups), plenary set up the new standing delegation and the number of MEPs that will sit on…

New EU Strategy to Combat Anti-Semitism

Campaign against anti-Semitism

The European Commission has presented the first-ever strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. With antisemitism worryingly on the rise, in Europe and beyond, the Strategy sets out a series of measures articulated around three pillars: to prevent all forms of antisemitism; to protect and foster Jewish life; and to promote research, education and…

EU Reviews Blacklist of Tax Havens

Pandora Papers

EU finance ministers have agreed on an updated EU list of tax havens. Despite the latest Pandora Papers revelations, the list has been shortened with Anguilla, Dominica and the Seychelles having been removed from the list. The Greens/EFA Group successfully secured a plenary debate on the Pandora Papers for October 6. Also on Thursday, MEPs will…

Protecting the Rights of the Disabled

Rights of the disabled

With up to a quarter of EU citizens declaring some degree of impairment or disability, far too many people still face barriers to education, travelling to other EU countries or finding work. This week, the S&D Group is leading the European Parliament in calling for more to be done to protect the rights of people…

Calling all 100 year olds – Brussels Restaurant wants to hear from you!

Aux Armes de Bruxelles

Aux Armes de Bruxelles has come up with a particularly innovative way to celebrate its 100th birthday.  This iconic Brussels restaurant is offering an amazing 50 per cent discount off the cost of a meal. Not only that but the restaurant owners will invite all centenarians of the Brussels Region to dine free of charge….

EU and Morocco Strategic Partnership Unshaken

EU Morocco Trade

Last week the European Court of Justice issued a decision on legal actions for annulment brought by the separatist terrorist organisation Polisario against two Council decisions concerning the conclusion of agreements between the European Union and Morocco.  The agreements concern EU imports of agricultural products originating in Morocco and sustainable fisheries. Polisario lodged the applications…

Protection for Journalists in New Commission Action Plan


The Commission has launched a public consultation on EU action against abusive litigation targeting journalists (Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation -SLAPP). The consultation, announced on Monday, will feed into the upcoming initiative against SLAPP, to be presented by the Commission, as announced in the EU democracy action plan. Vice-President Věra Jourová, said: “Daphne Caruana Galizia had 47 abusive…

CAN Europe Calls for Scaled-Up Support for Developing Countries

CAN Europe

In light of the worsening climate crisis and global inequities, CAN Europe is calling on EU ministers to take a ‘Fair for 1.5’ approach to COP26 and the ‘Fit for 55’ Package in this week’s Council meetings, ensuring scaled-up support for climate vulnerable developing countries, and that EU climate policies are fit, fair and reduce emissions by at least…

30 years defending European consumers

EESC defending consumers for 30 years

The EESC consumers and environment category says it has made significant contributions to the protection of consumer rights and the environment in Europe. It has championed topics such as the regulation of consumer over-indebtedness, planned obsolescence and the circular economy. Fair and just climate mitigation and adaptation must take centre stage of the Category’s activities in…