Modernisation of EU Morocco Trade and Investment

EU Morocco Trade

BusinessEurope, the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and EuroCham Maroc have adopted a “Modernisation Pact on Trade and Investment between the European Union (EU) and the Kingdom of Morocco”.  The document calls for a long overdue modernisation of the framework for EU-Morocco trade and investment relations to unleash the untapped economic potential of this…

Parliament Denounces Undermining of Media Freedom by Poland

Media Freedom in Poland under threat

Adding to a long list of concerns on the state of EU values in Poland, MEPs denounce the latest attempts to silence critical voices and undermine the primacy of EU law. In a resolution adopted on Thursday with 502 votes in favour, 149 against, and 36 abstentions, Parliament condemns the continuing deterioration of media freedom…

Indoor Air Pollution Exposes Need to Tackle Mineral Wool and Ventilation

Indoor Air Pollution

A group of leading European heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and building engineering associations are for EU recognition of indoor air pollution as a risk to human health. In a joint statement, the group, which includes EPEE, AREA and the EHPA, insist that the proper use of air quality systems will help reduce transmission of…