Commission Grants €24.9 billion to Italy under NextGenerationEU

Next Generation EU

The European Commission has disbursed €24.9 billion to Italy in pre-financing, equivalent to 13% of the country’s grant and loan allocation for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) under NextGenerationEU.  Italy is one of the first countries receiving a pre-financing payment under the RRF. The pre-financing will help to kick-start the implementation of the crucial…

Commission Approves €2.7 billion funds for React-EU

EU Regional Funds

The Commission has approved the modification of six Operational Programmes (OP) for the ERDF and the ESF in Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary and Germany under REACT-EU for a total of €2.7 billion.  In Italy, €1 billion has been added to the ERDF-ESF National Operational Programme for Metropolitan Cities.  These resources aim to strengthen the green and digital transition as well…

NATO Concern As Afghanistan Government Collapses

Afghan Collapse

Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has voiced concern at the current situation in Afghanistan. On Monday, he said, “NATO Allies met in the North Atlantic Council today to consult on the situation in Afghanistan. We continue to assess the developments on the ground, and we are in constant contact with the Afghan authorities and the…

Huytebroeck Slams Proposed Expansion of Barcelona Airport

Barcelona Airport

A political agreement approving the proposal of the Spanish airport manager AENA to expand the El Prat airport in Barcelona was approved recently. The project aims to an increase of up to 20 million passengers in the coming years.     The European Greens say they reject the expansion project, and express “our strongest opposition…

Giegold Calls for Protection of Afghan Employees of EU Missions

Sven Giegold MEP

German Greens MEP Sven Giegold has called on the EU to offer protection for locally employed civilians in Afghanistan. He said, “The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan has also put the local personnel of EU missions in the country at imminent risk. At least 600 local staff and their close family members of the EU Police…