Fighting Unfair Competition

Apple Unfair Competition Accusations

MEPs say that the antitrust case against Apple is more than just another example of unfair competition. They also say it is a reason to discuss a paradigm shift in the EU’s competition enforcement, which until now has often come too late. “It is long overdue for the Commission to take a very close look…

Calls to Improve the Fight Against Coronavirus in Latin America

Jeanine Áñez Chavez

Parliament has adopted resolutions assessing the human rights situation in Bolivia, and the COVID-19 situation in Latin America. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the Latin American continent, MEPs say, expressing their solidarity towards all victims and their families, as well all those affected by the health, economic and social crises. The…

A House of Cards?

Russian Bear and House of Cards

The Presidents of the European Council, Commission and Parliament issued this joint statement on the imposition of restrictive measures on eight EU nationals by Russia. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms today’s decision of the Russian authorities to ban eight European Union nationals from entering the Russian territory. This includes the President of the…