Conference on the Future of Europe

Future of Europe

The European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament (ECR Group) remains sceptical towards the structuring and planned course of the Conference of the Future of Europe. ECR Co-Chairmen Ryszard Legutko (Poland) and Raffaele Fitto (Italy) are unimpressed by the digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). The multilingual platform…

Socialists Demand Stronger Regulations for Artificial Intelligence

Reacting to the European Commission’s proposal for new regulations in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Socialists and Democrats demand legislation that is at least as groundbreaking as the regulation on Data Protection (GDPR). While the current proposal is a good start, the S&D Group will work hard to defend fundamental rights, such as privacy…

USA Recognises Armenian Genocide

USA recognises Armenian Genocide

President Joe Biden on Saturday recognized the Armenian genocide, fulfilling a campaign promise and taking a step that his recent predecessors have avoided while in office. Biden’s designation, which coincided with Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, signals the president’s desire to prioritize human rights despite potential fallout in the U.S. relationship with Turkey. It comes 106…

European People’s Forum Calls for Better Citizen Consultation

Europe needs better consultation with the people

The first expert organisation that advised the EU institutions to use an online digital platform to engage as many citizens as possible during the Conference on the Future of Europe is now calling for the creation of a permanent mechanism of citizens consultation and participation. Europe’s People’s Forum, a network of professional citizen’s consultation partners in every member state, works to strengthen…

EU-Turkey Relations at All-Time Low

EU Turkey Relations

There can be no talk of a rapprochement in EU-Turkey relations as long as President Erdogan continues to provoke the EU and its Member States and veers Turkey away from European standards. This is the message the EPP Group will send when voting today in Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee on a Report which takes stock…

Road Safety in the EU

Road Safety in EU

Commenting on the data on road deaths in 2020 published by the European Commission, Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) said, “The EU has a new target for 2030 to reduce deaths and serious injuries by half.  If we are to succeed this time, we need to avoid the mistakes of…

Fighting For a Fair Minimum Wage

Agnes Jongerius

Speaking ahead of the presentation of the Jongerius/Radtke draft report on Adequate minimum wages in the EU in the employment committee of the European Parliament, S&D MEP and European Parliament negotiator for minimum wages Agnes Jongerius said: “Currently one in six employees in Europe does not earn enough to make ends meet. Even though they work a tough…

Emirates Announce Sale with Attractive Special Fares

Emirates Airline

The leading airline Emirates is launching a Limited time sale to inspire and encourage travellers, departing from Brussels, to reconnect with family and friends or explore new exotic destinations from spring to November 2021.  With five attractive offers to the Indian Ocean and Asia, Emirates’ customers can make up for lost travel time. Emirates special fares are…

Criteria for Sustainable investments

Sustainable investment

Today, the European Commission has presented its criteria for sustainable investments, following the Taxonomy Regulation that was negotiated by Greens/EFA MEP Bas Eickhout in late 2019 and approved by the Parliament in June 2020. The criteria released today provides more insight into how sustainable financial products can be labelled and allows the EU to set…