Building Back Better

On Friday Nick Read Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone Group, delivered a keynote speech at LSE’s German Symposium event, where he highlighted the importance of the EU Recovery Funds in enabling Europe to Build Back Better, and why Europe must set higher ambitions for its digital transformation, in order to lead on a global scale.  He also stressed the…

Church of Almighty God Under Attack by CCP

The Church of Almighty God has released its 2020 Annual Report on the Chinese Communist Government’s Persecution of The Church of Almighty God, exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s continued assault on religious beliefs under the shadow of COVID-19. In 2020, at least 7,055 Christians from The Church of Almighty God were arrested, 1,098 were sentenced,…

More Funds Need to be Devoted to Digital Skills

New research reveals wide support for the European public’s attitudes towards the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Three out of four people believe digital public services (75%), digital skills (74%) and broadband internet access (73%) are important aspects for the recovery of Europe. But the report says that the public remain sceptical on…

Vladimir the Underpants Poisoner

On 2 February, a Moscow court sentenced the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny to two years and eight months’ imprisonment. The Russian authorities have pursued his sentencing for the alleged violation of his probation while Mr. Navalny was recovering in Germany from an assassination attempt by poisoning suffered in the Russian Federation by a military…

Global Flights With Multi-Risk Insurance

Emirates is launching its much-awaited global sale to encourage travelers to reconnect with family and friends or explore new destinations in the new year.  On Monday, a spokesman for the airline told this website, “With these attractive offers, Emirates customers can make up for lost time in 2021.” All-inclusive Economy Class fares from Belgium start…

Morocco Ranked 5th in World for Clean Innovation

According to newly published research, Morocco is ranked 5th in the world for clean innovation. The index is produced by MIT and published in “The Green Future Index” sponsored by Salesforce, Citrix, and Morgan Stanley.  The research was conducted through in-depth secondary research and analysis as well as interviews with global experts on climate change,…

Uzbekistan’s Nuclear Project: Expensive, and Environmentally Unsound.

On December 11th of last year Uzbekistan became an observer in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the latest and most important step to date on the path toward full membership of Vladimir Putin’s rival to the EU, through which the Russian president  hopes to entice former Soviet republics back into Moscow’s orbit. Tashkent plans to…