Modernisation of Grupo Ruiz

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is set to finance the modernisation of Grupo Ruiz’s bus fleet by facilitating €27.5 million for the introduction of 173 safer, less polluting and more modern vehicles.  EIB Vice-President Emma Navarro and Grupo Ruiz CEO Gregorio Ruiz signed the agreement in Madrid. The project is supported by the European Fund…

All is not well beneath the surface of the global fertilizer industry

Amidst undulating prices and mixed newspaper headlines, 2019 has seen a number of shocks to the globally important but under-scrutinised fertilizer sector.  The industry has been hit by what is seen as mismanagement and poor decision making and has emerged as a target for questionable large-scale international practices. These developments have blighted the reputation of…

European judges’ silent march in Warsaw resonates internationally

From the columns of the New York Times to news articles in Tokyo, the stand taken by European judges in defence of the rule of law in Poland has made headlines across the world. Judges, lawyers and civil society activists from across Europe joined their Polish peers in a silent march in Warsaw to protest against systematic attacks…

Why Lebanon Deserves International Support

The news from Lebanon in recent weeks has been grim. As street protests in Beirut and other cities intensify, so does the country’s economic suffering, writes Charles Tannock. A political, economic, and social crisis has taken hold, leading to hard-currency shortages that hinder imports of vital daily commodities such as wheat, medicine, and fuel. Moreover,…

Landslide Re-election for TSAI Ing-wen in Taiwan

The Taipei Representative Office in Brussels organised a reception today at their Embassy to share the results of Taiwan’s election as they came in live, including a TV broadcast of President Tsai’s victory speech. The event helped to deliver a strong impression to the audience of international journalists, academics and lawmakers that Taiwan’s young democracy…

EU Urges De-escalation of Tensions in Middle East

Leading European figures have called for stepped-up European de-escalation efforts in the Middle East, following a series of attacks in Iraq that have culminated in the killing of Qassem Suleimani and missile attacks against US airbases. The UK foreign policy think-tank, the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), published a statement calling on European governments to…

Taiwan Elections: China’s Belligerence Key Issue For Voters

Taiwan is on the frontline of China’s sharp power, none more so than in the run up to this weekend’s presidential elections. In order to guard against infiltration from China and to protect Taiwan’s democratic way of life, the Taiwan parliament passed the anti-infiltration act on 31 December 2019. This was with one eye on the…

Green Deal: No More Investment in Fossil Fuels

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the Green Deal, visited the premises of the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg yesterday where he addressed the EIB staff. The commission said that to achieve the ambition set by the Green Deal there are significant investment needs.  “We will only be able to meet these investment needs if we mobilise both the public and…

Galway and Rijeka Capitals of Culture 2020

Rijeka (Croatia) and Galway (Ireland) will hold the title of European Capital of Culture for one year from this month. “Thanks to their title of European Capital of Culture, Rijeka and Galway will be harnessing the full potential of culture to enrich our life experience and to bring our communities closer together”, stated Vice-President for Promoting…