UN Reviews 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

A crucial annual meeting of the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) has started in New York. The core United Nations platform, with the contributions of 47 countries, will review the state of play of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the implementation of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since…

Jobs For Europe’s Youth

The European Commission says it is taking action to give young people all possible opportunities to develop their full potential to shape the future of the EU, and thrive in the green and digital transitions. The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised the often difficult start many young people face in the labour market. We need to…

Fight Against Money Laundering

Negotiations on a draft resolution on the fight against money laundering were successfully concluded last week. The draft text, supported by Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens and the Left, is based on a Green proposal. German Greens MEP Sven Giegold told this website: “This draft resolution is a success for the European fight against…

Bosnia Bans Hydro

The House of Representatives of the Parliament of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has voted to ban the construction of small hydropower plants across the Federation, in a huge win for communities who depend on the rivers. The decision followed a lengthy campaign by local communities and activists from the national Coalition for the Protection…

German Council Presidency Begins

Parliament discussed with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today the strategy and goals of the German Presidency in the coming six months. Under the motto “Together for Europe’s recovery”, the German Presidency is determined to tackle the huge challenge posed by the pandemic, Mrs Merkel said. She highlighted five areas…

Fighting Crime

The EPP group in the European parliament says Europe must be better equipped to fight criminal networks and their attempts to launder their ill-gotten gains.  There must be no sanctuary in Europe for organised crime’s dirty money”, stated EPP Group MEPs Emil Radev and David Casa ahead of today’s debate in the European Parliament on…

Reducing Emissions from International Shipping

The European Parliament’s Environment Committee has just voted on measures to reduce greenhouse gases in international shipping.  The decision to “amend the Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verifying carbon dioxide emissions from shipping”, also known as the “MRV Regulation”, will in future oblige large ships not only to report detailed data on their CO2 and…

A legend in his lifetime

 “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway The death of Tony Mallett symbolises the global passing of old fashioned journalism. Tony was everything that once reflected what in Britain was known as Fleet Street journalism, excellence and a lifestyle that prompted the question “what makes journalists…

EU member states should step up efforts supporting Syrian people, but no normalisation with Assad regime

At a recent EU-UN conference on Syria in Brussels, the Socialists and Democrats urge EU member states for ambitious pledges for the impartial delivery of humanitarian aid to the Syrian people in need through UN agencies and civil society organisations.  At the same time, the S&Ds reaffirm that the UN-led political process for Syria, with…